
The identification of the information needs presents itself as a permanent concern of the corporations involved with the offer of products / services. Today, every medium and large company, no matter the area of operation, needs systems to control and automate the flow of information among its internal sectors, service providers, suppliers and decision support.

The Course of Technology in Analysis and Systems Development of IFPA provides training that empowers the professional to automate the organization's information systems in order to meet the current needs of the job market. The needs that can be met include designing, implementing, testing, deploying, maintaining, evaluating and analyzing information systems. The professional can also evaluate, select, specify and use methodologies, technologies and tools of software engineering, programming languages and databases, acting in the coordination of software production teams, surveys, performing expertise, reports and issuing technical advice in training area.

The IFPA Campus Belém offered the first time the course in 2003, starting its activities with the first group in the second semester of 2003, and had its denomination changed to Course of Technology in Analysis and Systems Development in 2007, along with its recognition through the MEC Ordinance nº269 of April 5, 2007 in compliance with the National Catalog of Technology Courses.

The course is offered on a semester basis, offering 50 (fifty) annual vacancies, where 25 (twenty-five) vacancies are offered in the first semester of the night shift and 25 (twenty-five) vacancies offered in the second semester in the afternoon shift, with a total working load of 2,649.83 hours, corresponding to 3,160 class hours, where the minimum time of payment is six (6) semesters

The access form for admission to the Course of Technology in Analysis and Systems Development of IFPA Campus Belém happens through the Annual Institutional Entrance Plan through:

I) Qualifying Selection Process, by means of public notice, for candidates graduating from high school and / or

II) Through the Unified Selection System (Sisu) offered by the Ministry of Education.

the professors, for the most part, are Doctors or Masters.

Coordenação do Programa: DELCIO NONATO ARAUJO DA SILVA

Telefone/Ramal: 3701-1700

E-mail: analise.sistemas@ifpa.edu.br

Título do Profissional: TECNÓLOGO EM ANÁLISE E DESENVOLVIMENTO DE SISTEMAS Área de Conhecimento CNPQ: Ciências Exatas e da Terra Modalidade de Curso: Presencial

Atos Autorizativos do Curso
Resolução de Aprovação do Curso: RESOLUÇÃO IFPA/CONSUP- Nº 480/2021, DE 30 DE SETEMBRO DE 2021. Portaria de Autorização de Funcionamento: # Portaria de Reconhecimento: Portaria nº 269 SETEC/MEC Portaria de Renovação de Reconhecimento: Portaria nº 854 SERES/MEC
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