
The Higher Course in Technology in Environmental Management proposes to train professionals to work in the management of environmental resources in the public (municipal, state and federal), private and non-governmental spheres. in order to promote the good use of natural resources in view of the
needs of the economy modern, based on the principles of sustainability.Thus, the integration between science and technology, in the teaching and learning process,  will be geared towards the development of skills aimed at the professional sector and the world of work, stimulating the interest and critical sense of academics for
 production and innovation. scientific-technological, aiming at collective interests and a commitment to improving the quality of life and the environment.
Program Coordination: GERSON MOREIRA BARROS



Professional Title: TECNÓLOGO EM GESTÃO AMBIENTAL CNPQ's Knowledge Area: Multidisciplinar Course Modality: Presencial

Atos Autorizativos do Curso
Resolução de Aprovação do Curso: Resolução nº 015/2011-CONSUR de 05/05/2011 Portaria de Autorização de Funcionamento: # Portaria de Reconhecimento: Portaria nº 127 SERES/MEC Portaria de Renovação de Reconhecimento: Portaria nº 110 SERES/MEC
Calendar Stay informed about the events related to our Postgraduate Program.
  • 19/02/2024 - 27/02/2024 · Enrollment for the semester 2024.1.
  • 02/01/2024 · Start of semester 2024.1.
News See below the news available for our graduation course
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